So over the last few months I have been thinking about exactly how to make this website idea work, where to star,t what to do and how to do it.
It's a really difficult process getting everything right; as building an audience , updating a site each day and the list goes on and on - it it is extremely hard to keep on track and not to loose focus.
What I have decided, is that I will start to show off game art, in fact any art and also my own creative works. It takes a lot of time and energy to make art, it really is not an easy process. The process often comes to a jolt, there are a lot of umm's and argh moments, it is really not an easy process its not a easy process, and doing a new art work each day is difficult.
Maybe I full in my days I do not have anything with photos,
Maybe I show other peoples sketches.
Maybe I invite guest artist to talk about their work.
Maybe I do hand drawings
Maybe I do some digital art.
Whatever I do, I would like to show the journey, because its not just about the finished product its all about how someone got to the final stage.
One thing I have been really focused on at the moment is Diablo 3. It is a game that i often find myself playing most nights to to chill out relax and listen to some music, so lets start with an image and create something from Diablo 3.